
Randy Allard, Principal

Mr. Randy Allard is the Owner/Principal of BBS Technical Services, a Michigan-based disaster consulting services firm with a specific emphasis on training, on-site damage assessments, and FEMA CEF Cost Estimating procedures.

In addition to being a highly-regarded disaster recovery and construction management professional with over 35 years’ experience in the industry, Mr. Allard is an RS Means certified cost estimator, a member of the American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE), and a licensed insurance adjuster.

Mr. Allard is a FEMA certified Cost Estimating Format (CEF) Instructor. He has taught the FEMA estimating format classes to numerous audiences including Applicant’s staff, FEMA employees, FEMA technical assistance contractors, and FEMA reservists.

BBS Technical Services has been retained by many highly-respected disaster recovery firms including GP Strategies, Fluor, iParametrics, CH2M Hill, DMS Recovery, Dewberry, Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB&I), Hagerty Consulting, and the Sulzer Group. BBS Technical Services has been retained by these firms to provide on-site damage assessments and FEMA cost estimating assistance/guidance in numerous locations across the United States.


Prior to starting BBS Technical Services, Mr. Allard served as Senior Disaster Relief Cost Estimator and Project Specialist for FEMA. While working on several federally declared disasters, Mr. Allard has lead the disaster recovery cost estimating efforts on numerous high profile projects including several of the largest project worksheets ever written in the history of FEMA.

While working on the project worksheet of the New Orleans County School Board, Mr. Allard developed a computerized spreadsheet that was designed to predict the probability of a building’s disaster related damages when certain criteria was known. This algorithm based spreadsheet program was used by FEMA to obligate over $2.1 billion of disaster recovery funds to the Applicant. It is estimated that the use of this proprietary disaster damage analysis program shorted the Applicant’s disaster recovery period by over 24 months, and saved the federal government over $1,500,000 in increased operating expenses.

While working for FEMA, Mr. Allard was mobilized to numerous federal declared disasters to work on a wide range of disaster recovery projects including schools, hospitals, universities, public utilities, sports arenas, police and fire stations. Mr. Allard is skilled and proficient with FEMA’s Repair vs. Replacement calculation, which is commonly referred to as the “50% Rule”. This is a complex calculation that FEMA uses to determine the viability of repairing a damaged facility versus constructing a new facility. In Louisiana alone, Mr. Allard performed over 800 of these unique calculations which resulted in FEMA obligated disaster recovery funds of over $4.8 billion dollars.

Mr. Allard has developed numerous time-saving spreadsheets and tools that are specifically designed for civil construction and roadwork. These tools are extremely helpful in expediting the damage assessment and cost estimating process during the project formulation stage of a project.